Card of the Day

Card of the Day – Four of Fire

Today’s card is the Four of Fire. It shows a couple dancing and celebrating. It is a joyful card, saying it is time to celebrate and give gratitude for the good things that are coming into your life. You have been working hard, so take some time to acknowledge the things (no matter how big …

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Two of Air
Card of the Day

Card of the Day – 2 of Air

Today’s card is from Radleigh Valentine’s Angel Wisdom Tarot. It shows a person that is not able or willing to make a decision – their sight is partially blocked by this ornate headdress and beading covering their eyes. The main message I get from this card that it is time to stop trying to make …

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Archangel Uriel
Archangel of the Week

Archangel of the Week – Uriel

Archangel Uriel is the “Light of God”. He shines the light from his torch of fire on areas of your life to bring much needed answers (epiphanies) and bring actionable guidance on how to fulfill your dreams. Uriel brings clarity and understanding into a situation or relationship that allows you to connect to the solution …

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