Archangel Jeremiel
Archangel of the Week

Archangel of the Week – Archangel Jeremiel

Archangel Jeremiel is known as “The Mercy of God”. He holds a torch of light that illuminates areas where we need to forgive ourselves (or others) so we can choose the right path forward.

Jeremiel is associated with Life Reviews, not only when you pass away but as you go through life, shining this light on areas where you may need to do a little work, including forgiveness of yourself and others.Interesting because last week we had Archangel Uriel who shown light on areas that we needed answers, helping to bring clarity to situations. Well, you may have moved into the phase in order to move forward you need to release some things from your past so you can move to your next phase of life.

Jeremiel is also associated with Intuition, psychic development, and connecting with your guardian angels.He is associated with the Renewal card in the Tarot, which comes after The Sun. So after the success and joy of celebrating from The Sun card you may be wondering what comes next.

As you move forward in your week, make sure you are bringing the lessons you have learned and applying them, and leave behind outdated thoughts and patterns that will not help you move forward (like fear, guilt and not believing in yourself!).

#ArchangelJermiel #KyleGray #AngelPrayerOracles #Forgiveness #LifeReview #TorchofLight #Intuition

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