Change from Denise Linn's Sacred Destiny Oracle
Card of the Day

Card of the Day – Change

Today’s card is from Denise Linn’s Sacred Oracle deck (which I just recently bought and wanted to share with you!!).

It is Change. What do they say – the only thing constant is change?

I’m just going to type what Denise says in her booklet:
“It’s okay to change your mind. It’s all right to change directions. You do not need to be consistent. This is the time to put the needs and expectations of others aside and listen to the beat of your own drum. You don’t need to follow tradition. Create your own traditions. You are free to express yourself and let your spirit fly. Be daring. Go beyond predictable behavior. Just because something has always been done in a certain way doesn’t mean that it needs to continue to be done that way. You can’t control the exact circumstances of your life, but you can control what meaning you give to them. Select meanings that empower you, for this is the time to be carefree, wild and unpredictable!”

So I encourage you to look at ways you do things or are expected to act that keep you in a certain box that you no longer want to be in. This could be how you react to a trigger or frustration throughout your day. Look at why it bothers you and try to take away the power you give it by reacting so strongly. It could also be the desire to want more out of life – exploring spirituality – a new hobby or doing something for yourself. Whatever it is, today I encourage you to dream a little bit about how your life would be if you change things that you have always wanted to so you can feel a bit more free – floating in the clouds (which are ever changing) on a beautiful carousel horse!

Speaking of change! I am excited to announce the first workshop through Tools for TransformationsEnergy 101: Grounding, Cutting Cords and Raising Your Vibrations – which will be held on Saturday May 29th at 8pm! For more info or to register, visit our Tools for Transformations page!!

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