The Dreamer, also known as “the Fool” in traditional tarot, shows a young man settling off on a new adventure. He is being watched over by an angel (Archangel Metatron who is said to look over sensitive children and individuals and help them develop the gifts they are given) through the gate. Although he isn’t aware of the angelic support watching out for him. He is too busy dreaming to see anything, but he has the courage to set off on this new adventure and feels fully supported.
If you are beginning something new right now (career, relationship, spiritual journey) trust that you are fully supported in your new adventure. For the past few weeks we have received messages about letting go of fear and doubts that may have been holding us back or do not serve us anymore. This card says that you are ready to start something new, BUT you have to go into it with the energy that you believe in yourself and that you have the support you need to succeed!
You are the only person in the universe that can do the things you do in the way that you do them, so know that you will be supported once you choose to be authentic and share those gifts with the world!
I hope everyone has a Dreamy weekend!!
#TheDreamer #RadleighValentine #AngelWisdomTarot #Gratitude #NewAdventures #ArchangelMetatron