Well, we have another Queen with us today! She is very intellectual, yet has a great sense of humor. She doesn’t put up with much and can be judgmental. If you ask for her advice and do not follow it, you will definitely hear “I told you so”! She would rather be alone than deal …
Tag: Angel Wisdom Tarot
Archangel of the Week – Chamuel Card of the Day – 10 of Water
This week’s Archangel is Chamuel – the Eyes of God. I love working with Chamuel as he gives us the ability to see situations in a new way so we can accomplish our goals/dreams/life purpose & get out of our own way by breaking down any “protective walls” we have around us and help us …
Card of the Day – Renewal
Today’s card is having us to continue our review of things in our past as we turn our attention to a new direction. Archangel Jeremiel helps with life reviews so we can forgive ourselves & others so we do not carry the hurt or anger forward into the next phase of life. He can bring …
Card of the Day – Transformation
Today’s card is about releasing old beliefs or ways of doing things. Changes have or are happening in your life and the old way of doing things no longer works for you. Tarot doesn’t have to be scary and Radleigh has updated this card to reflect that. In traditional tarot decks this is the Tower …
Card of the Day – Five of Air
Today’s card is more of a cautionary tale. It is telling you that there may be a better way to reach your goal or be happy than the approach your are taking. If you are stuck or something doesn’t feel right in a situation, usually that is an indicator that something isn’t right and you …
Card of the Day – Eight of Water
Today’s card is showing that you may be on the verge of making a big change in your life. You are feeling bored or stuck, and it is time for you to move on and grow. It shows someone stepping through the doorway into a rainbow of possibilities! The crescent moon (intuition) is leading them …
Card of the Day – Page of Air
The Page of Air is the messenger of information (it could be constructive criticism, unsolicited advice on a new approach to something, or even legal documents) that we need, but could be challenging for us to hear/receive. The challenge around the message could be in the way that the message is delivered because Pages are …
Card of the Day – Justice
Archangel Raguel, the Friend of God, is here to help you bring balance and harmony to a situation. Justice (at least at the divine level) is impartial – and we should look at how we are handling a situation and making sure that we are being fair, as well as treating others fairly. It is …
Archangel of the Week & Card of the Day
Archangel of the Week: Archangel MichaelThis week, no surprise to me after last night’s workshop, Archangel Michael came through strong and clear! He is reminding us that he is always with us when we need to feel safe and protected – all we have to do is ask. Michael can cut the energetic cords that …
Card of the Day – The Wheel
The Wheel indicates that things are about to get busy – where you have been stuck is about to move forward. A positive change will come into your life if you choose to let it! This card also can indicate travel – and we all know that being “stuck at home” the past year we …