I felt the draw to pull a card from Angela Hartfield’s Ganesha cards this morning and I am glad I did! As you may know if you have had a reading with me or seen a post where I talk about it, I begin every reading and practice with thinking of something I am grateful …
Tag: Gratitude
Card of the Day – Nine of Fire
The card for today is the Nine of Fire. Archangel Ariel is standing in Strength – holding a shield and protecting the things that she has created (or helped others create!). This card is telling you to stand in your truth and do not let anyone diminish or take away the things (dreams, goals, accomplishments) …
*Archangel of the Week – Archangel Michael *Card of the Week – Healing Chaos
Wow – the cards for this week are really telling us to shake it up! With the protection of Archangel Michael surrounding us we are able to either resolve the chaos in our lives – or if you feel life your life is stagnant you are being encouraged to shake things up in order to …
Card of the Day – Nine of Fire
The Nine of Fire has Archangel Ariel in armor protecting what is hers. This is a reminder not to give up and while you may have to fight for your dreams or push to move forward, you have the strength and support to succeed! Stay positive (remember to be grateful for what you have!) and …
Card of the Day – The High Priestess
The High Priestess indicates that instead of taking action on something, it is time for you to look inward for the answers to a situation or your true calling. The answers will come from looking within at your true hearts desire, so spend time meditating, moving the “thoughts” from your head to your heart. It …
Card of the Day – Mother-Father God
Today’s card is a reminder that we are always surrounded by the love of the universe/creator/God/Angels – however YOU identify it! You are being reminded that you are loved beyond measure, and it is time to step out of any feelings that you are not worthy of this love and begin seeing yourself in the …
Card of the Day – Wise Counselor
Today’s card indicates you are seeking deeper meaning to life, one that is more spiritually connected, and there could be two paths to get there. One is the traditional route, but not by just taking a rules you usually follow at face value – but looking at the deeper meaning of why that rule might …
Card of the Day – New Beginnings
Today’s card is from Kyle Gray’s Angel Prayers Oracle Cards! I usually only use the Archangel cards from this deck, but felt drawn to it this morning. The card is reminding us that we alway have the chance for a New Beginning! It could be a new opportunity coming into your life which is always …
Card of the Day – Three of Water
The Three of Water indicates that it is time to celebrate! You may have heard some great news or a big life event is happening. It could also be news for someone in your family or close to you, reminding you to spend time (virtually if necessary) with people that you love as it will …
Archangel of the Week – Archangel Raguel
Raguel is known as “The Friend of God”. He brings harmony & resolution to relationship or situations, He can help heal misunderstandings and bring comfort where there has been a stressful situation in a friendship or partnership and helps to resolve the conflict between people. I think it is important to share that this doesn’t …