The card for today is the Nine of Fire. Archangel Ariel is standing in Strength – holding a shield and protecting the things that she has created (or helped others create!). This card is telling you to stand in your truth and do not let anyone diminish or take away the things (dreams, goals, accomplishments) …
Tag: Radleigh Valentine
Card of the Day – Six of Earth
The Six of Earth is a reminder to share your good fortune or gifts (it doesn’t have to be money – it could be time volunteering) with others. We all have something to offer other people, even if we feel that we don’t. Here is a woman in a wheelchair (with gold coins as wheels) …
Card of the Day – Ego
If you are feeling stuck or unhappy, the Universe/Angels/God (you probably know by now that you should pick the word that resonates with you – I interchange then al!) are telling you that they want to help you make changes – BUT they can not do that without you also wanting it for yourself. You …
Card of the Day – Seven of Earth
Congratulations – you have been planting the seeds and doing a lot of work on what you want to come next. So it is time to take a slight pause and know that the work you have done will pay off. It might not happen immediately, but it will happen in Divine Timing. I know …
Card of the Day – Nine of Fire
The Nine of Fire has Archangel Ariel in armor protecting what is hers. This is a reminder not to give up and while you may have to fight for your dreams or push to move forward, you have the strength and support to succeed! Stay positive (remember to be grateful for what you have!) and …
Card of the Day – Knight of Earth
Today’s card is the Knight of Earth. He is coming up in a lot of my recent readings. As you can see, this person is standing at a table reviewing a document – his horse is next to him. Most other knights in the deck are in motion – moving quickly towards their goal – …
Archangel of the Week – Raziel
This week I’m trying something a little differently. I pulled an Archangel and a Card of the Day. Gotta keep things interesting around here right?! Let me know what you think in the comments! Do you like the combined AA of the Week and Card of the Day? Do you want separate posts, or should …
Card of the Day – The High Priestess
The High Priestess indicates that instead of taking action on something, it is time for you to look inward for the answers to a situation or your true calling. The answers will come from looking within at your true hearts desire, so spend time meditating, moving the “thoughts” from your head to your heart. It …
Card of the Day – Wise Counselor
Today’s card indicates you are seeking deeper meaning to life, one that is more spiritually connected, and there could be two paths to get there. One is the traditional route, but not by just taking a rules you usually follow at face value – but looking at the deeper meaning of why that rule might …
Archangel of the Week – Uriel
Archangel Uriel is the “Light of God”. He shines the light from his torch of fire on areas of your life to bring much needed answers (epiphanies) and bring actionable guidance on how to fulfill your dreams. Uriel brings clarity and understanding into a situation or relationship that allows you to connect to the solution …