Seven of Earth
Card of the Day

Card of the Day – Seven of Earth

Congratulations – you have been planting the seeds and doing a lot of work on what you want to come next. So it is time to take a slight pause and know that the work you have done will pay off. It might not happen immediately, but it will happen in Divine Timing.

I know we are all impatient and want to see the fruits of our labor, but just think of the reward when those flowers bloom in late Spring/Summer that we planted in the Fall!

This card is associated with Archangel Gabriel who helps us with creativity, communication and motivation. The Major Arcana card associated with 7 of Earth is The Wheel, which indicates that things are about to move forward (the wheel is going to begin spinning – those flowers blooming) after a period of stillness (the planting of the seeds or planning your next steps).

So if you feel impatient as you go through your day that things are not happening as fast as you want them to, try to be gentle with yourself, let go of the frustration about the lack of immediacy in results, and trust that progress or movement will be happening very soon! Until then, enjoy the peace and quiet because you may get very busy soon! 😉

What seeds have you planted that you are excited to have blossom very soon??

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