Nine of Fire
Card of the Day

Card of the Day – Nine of Fire

The Nine of Fire has Archangel Ariel in armor protecting what is hers. This is a reminder not to give up and while you may have to fight for your dreams or push to move forward, you have the strength and support to succeed! Stay positive (remember to be grateful for what you have!) and stay strong.

This also has a reference to animal or environmental activists that are working hard to protect the Earth and animals on it.

Archangel Ariel and the Strength card is associated with the Nine of Fire. Ariel is the Peaceful Warrior and is known to help with personal power, confidence and courage. You do not have to go into a situation with guns blazing and with great force – you can get your point across by simply standing in your truth.

So as you go through your day I would see how you can make sure that you are being true to yourself and can have your voice heard without needing to be the loudest person in the room or aggressive in how you do it.
There are readings available for next week, so if you have a situation you would like to look at closer check out times at

Have a great day!

#NineofFire #9ofFire #ArchangelAriel #AngelWidsomTarot #RadleighValentine #TarotCardofTheDay #CardofTheDay #Strength #DontGiveUp #StayPositive #BeGrateful #Gratitude

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