Nine of Fire
Card of the Day

Card of the Day – Nine of Fire

The card for today is the Nine of Fire. Archangel Ariel is standing in Strength – holding a shield and protecting the things that she has created (or helped others create!).

This card is telling you to stand in your truth and do not let anyone diminish or take away the things (dreams, goals, accomplishments) that you are working so hard for. If you get discouraged or feel you are off track, ask Ariel and your guides for help – they are always on standby to step in and support you – BUT they can only help if you ask for it! We all have doubts and fears as we go through life, but it is important that you believe in yourself and know that you are supported and continue to move forward!

I would encourage you to start each day with Gratitude – thinking of one (or many) thing(s) you are grateful for and then thank your spirit partners (God, Energy, Angels, Guides) for being with you, and thank them for sharing with you what you need to know to move forward with your dream/goal/situation that you are working on. By doing this, you are raising your vibrations and welcoming them in to help you as you go through your day. By staying positive and grateful, you are refocusing your thoughts and energy.

Today I challenge you to stand in your strength and know you are supported to continue on your journey.

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